Scott AF – Mona Lisa (Official Music Video)


“Mona Lisa” is the nostalgic, new single off of Scott AF’s upcoming EP, Parallel Sound. The meaning behind the project was to indulge in Scott’s hunger for 80’s pop music. Here is what Scott AF had to say… “I started my own version of “Pour Some Sugar On Me” a few years back, which will be the bonus track on the upcoming project, and I finally put all the pieces together for how I wanted to release this project. The process of creating the E.P. sparked this idea of mixing my flavor of electronic music with this throwback sound that brought my childhood back to life 100% . “Mona Lisa’s” hook, for me, was what had to sell the song. It had to have some moments where pop culture felt swept off its feet by an 80’s vibe. I thought, what better way than to bring back the famous boom box scene, from the pop culture classic, with a little Jonny Cusack reference. Once I had the hook completed, everything else started falling into place, such as how the flow of the songs would be listed on the E.P. Enjoy!”

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